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The Role of Kinesiology in Identifying Health Issues


In one's holistic health, the physical, emotional, and biochemical aspects must be understood and closely monitored. Health problems that arise from these areas can affect the body and the mind.

Kinesiology is a holistic, preventative health treatment that uses muscle testing to test the body’s imbalances. The practitioner and the patient work together to identify the source of a patient’s ailments and then use corrective measures to help the body heal. The kinesiology examination is unique in that it can identify health problems that appear in both the body and the mind. Read this article if you are interested in learning more about kinesiology and its potential benefits for your health.

The Kinesiology Method

The kinesiology method helps identify the bodily and emotional symptoms of health conditions. It may also help determine the psychological, emotional, and physical symptoms of the stress response. For example, it can be used to identify physical symptoms of anxiety, the emotional signs of depression, and the biochemical symptoms of an imbalanced hormonal system.

Muscle Testing

Muscle testing evaluates the body’s strengths and weaknesses by checking the response of the body to procedures. The body’s strengths may be indicated by a muscle being able to resist being pulled, and weaknesses can be revealed by a muscle giving way during a test. This process is done to discover any imbalances in the body.

Neuroenergetic Kinesiology

Neuroenergetic kinesiology is considered one of the most comprehensive and innovative treatments in the field. It assesses the brain and nervous system and identifies their relationship to the condition being treated.

This kinesiology system utilises acupressure formatting to open up blocked energy pathways throughout the body. It uses muscle testing as well as the body’s reactions to the stimuli it receives to accurately test response to any given issue.

The three areas of this type of kinesiology are:

1. Anatomy/Physiology (Physical)

This area considers the physical body and its relationship to the energy that runs through it. It considers the physiological aspect of the body and how it interacts with the brain, nervous system, and skeletal structure.

2. Psychology (Emotional)

The emotional area considers the biochemical processes of the body and how it interacts with the brain and nervous system. This is the section that identifies the toxins and imbalances built up in the body and how they affect the neurotransmitters and biochemical processes.

3. Energetic Structures (Meridians and Chakras)

Energetic structures are areas of the body that contain energy meridians and chakras. This part identifies and balances out the energy flow throughout the body and deals with how it interacts with its surroundings.

Benefits of Kinesiology

There are numerous benefits to using kinesiology as a holistic treatment. The practitioner can be sure that the body is healthy and can balance the body. The kinesiology method can be used to detect those health imbalances that often go undetected. This allows the practitioner to help the body heal naturally and prevent future problems.

Because kinesiology can be used to detect problems that exist in the body and mind, treating emotional symptoms can provide more insight into the emotional profile of a patient. Similarly, the body will experience physical reactions that are taken into consideration. As a result, the body can be treated holistically in the physical and emotional areas.

Kinesiology is also valuable for treating psychological disorders. Patients with psychological symptoms often have physical symptoms as well. Rather than treating the physical symptoms as a separate ailment or illness, the practitioner can use the kinesiology method to investigate the physical, biochemical, and emotional aspects of the psychological disorder. The practitioner can provide a complete, holistic treatment plan by addressing these symptoms.

In addition, it is vital to remember that there is no one treatment method that can be used to cure all illnesses or disorders.


A kinesiologist can help identify health problems that appear in the mind and the body. After doing so, the practitioner can also use the method to help the patient’s body heal naturally.

When looking for a kinesiologist, one should find a professional trained in the specific kinesiology method. A kinesiologist can expertly use muscle testing to determine the body’s strengths and weaknesses as well as the physical, biochemical, and emotional symptoms of an ailment.

If you need kinesiology treatment, check out Optimum Body Therapy. We help clients alleviate their pain and enhance a sense of well-being through massage therapy, reiki energy healing, and energy kinesiology. Book online now.

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